- An Apple with a Justin's Almond Butter (sample size sold in peanut butter section individually..perfect for travel)
- Banana with raw almonds in a snack size bag
- a Larabar
- Homemade Larabar! (check out Rawified.com for simple delicious variety!)
- Paleo Banana Muffins (Paleomg.com) excellent with hot coffee on an early flight! Gives you that comfort food you crave.
- Rolled up Turkey slices with some mustard in the middle...maybe even a pickle because IDGAF about bad breath on a flight. It keeps the weirdos at a comfortable distance.
- Fruit Salad with a few mint leaves sprinkled in (just in case you do care about your breath, this is sweet and very refreshing...even slightly warm!)
- Cucumber slices with Lime and salt (a little hot sauce gives it that I'm-really-eating-a-decent-meal feeling)
- Hard Boiled eggs
- A snack size bag of Protein Powder to be mixed in with a water bottle
- Homemade Sweet Potato Chips with Guacamole (travel size guac can be found in the deli isle of the grocery store. The chips can be found in the fruit isle as well but check the label...per usual)
- Make Pumpkin Paleo pancakes the night before and bring them in a plastic bag. spread some almond butter on them...eat the living hell out of them in front of someone eating a greasy overpriced sandwich
- Chopped up Oranges and apples with lime juice all over them...I put hot sauce on that sucker too because I'm Mexican and I can't taste things unless it's burned into my tongue.
- Mango slices....you know the drill...lime and hot sauce. Or lime and honey! (wuss)
- Blueberries or cantaloupe/melon slices with prosciutto
- Brazil nuts with a peach (preferably sliced up)
- Be Kind Bar
- Beef Jerky or a less greasy version - Turkey Jerky
- Jicama with watermelon with lime juice ESPECIALLY on hot trips! So refreshing, crunchy and overall mouthwatering.
- Low Carb Tortillas with hummus and turkey rolled up
- Cucumber with cilantro jalapeno hummus (so that it's not so plain)
- Any fruit with a babybel Cheese or even try goat cheese for a creamier more decadent taste
- Snack size bag of pretzels with laughing cow cheese
- spiced chickpeas
- Salted soynuts--They make wasabi soynuts but they were too hot for me so..you know..you've been hereby warned!
- Low carb tortilla with refried beans...super Mexican but if you're traveling to Cali or Texas you will probably blend in pretty well and make new friends. Oh, it's also high in protein and fiber so yeah, there's that.
You might say I missed a few ideas but really, I was trying to avoid anything I wouldn't eat warm (have you ever tried to eat warm yogurt? Ew, dude. Get that out of my face faster than ASAP!), anything that crumbles, anything that drips or needs napkins, all things super high calorie (read: granola), all things that make your hands sticky because the airport or riding in a car with sticky hands makes me feel like I'm a fresh fly trap except for germs. A disgusting Germ Trap.
Alright, lets say you decided to ignore all of my snack ideas and you love throwing up cash money at airport terminals as if you're a high roller at a Vegas Strip club. Here are some tips from a former (as of this last trip) high roller:
- You're going to spend money...lots of it. Might as well be healthy right? Go for the chicken salads sans cheese and creamy dressing. There are plenty of healthy spots sprouting up at airport terminals, look for them and find broth based soups or high veggie sandwiches.
- Magazine stores always have small snack items. Go for Larabars, BeKind bars, those drinks with a fruit veggie combo, or a small package of raw almonds.
- Starbucks has new Protein Snack boxes. They look pretty legit. Pair that up with hot coffee. (regular coffee. I know you think you're on vacation but really, you're on the WAY to your vacation. Cut the foo-foo crap out until you get to your destination. Save the extra money for that tequilla shot you'll be taking off a hot cabana boy in Cancun.)
- At Smootie king, they have a smoothie called a Pep Up. It's a protein, caffeine laden fruit smoothie that tastes amazing and fills you up...go for it. For $5? You should definitely try it.
- If all else fails, just think Meat and Veggies. Really stick to it. You have your entire vacation to eat crap food, don't start at the airport.
This is my list so far, I'll be updating with other ideas as they come to me. I hope it helps out and that you stay healthy even though you have a strange urge to binge eat junk food during long trips (is that just me?). One last thing...Bring a reusable water bottle. Make sure it's empty when you pass the TSA but you can fill it up at the water fountain. It's cheap, reminds you to stay hydrated and acts as an appetite suppressant. Bon Voyage, B!
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